The 14th London Korean Film Festival opens tonight as a celebration marking the centenary of film-making in Korea in the aptly-chosen historic Regent Street Cinema, wthere the freres Lumiere first screened films in Great Britain. Although the popular annual event has a varied selection of UK and international premieres, with thematic sections focussing on documentary, animation and video, the choice for the Opening Gala for the first time has fallen on a modern classic The Seashore Village,dating from 1965, in a newly restored print, which even more remarkably will be introduced by its 91-year-old director, Kim Soo-yong., who joins a delegation of directors, critics and archivists to present prpgrammes at a dozen or so London venues until 14th with some of the films touring to screens in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Manchester and Nottingham until 24th November 2019. Full details at
The Seashore Village - Opening Gala (1st Nov)
Phillip Bergson
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